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a grilled smoked trout fillet on a bed of mixed greens i

Smoked Trout & Crab Meat Sicilian Pasta

A customer supplied recipe featuring our own smoked trout, crab meat and fresh pasta.

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When we’re selling our smoked trout pate and fillets at the many farmers’ markets across Hampshire and Surrey, Butler Country Estates founder, Richard Butler, receives a lot of great feedback. Every so often though, customers are kind enough to share their recipe ideas with us. The customer in question wishes to remain anonymous but was happy to share his recipe with us and with our social media community. Here is recipe in his own words via an email he sent to us recently.

“The three main elements are your smoked trout from Winchester, crab meat from Selsey Willow Seafood, and homemade pasta from Cinzia Fontana of Amo Food Design. Can get vegetables from your local grocer.

First of all, put salted butter into a wok and cover. Add the crab meat and veg. Boil heavily salted water in a separate pan and add the fresh pasta in for no more than three minutes. Add pasta to the wok. Stir together & place the smoked trout on top. Leave for five to ten minutes and remove the trout. It serves two. It’s outstanding! Grate parmesan for a finishing touch.”

So Richard set about sourcing the ingredients from independent makers, just like ourselves from Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex. They are

  • Our very own Butler Country Estates hot smoked trout.
  • Fresh pasta from Cinzia Fontana at Amo Food Design based in Godalming, Surrey.
  • Crab meat from Selsey Willows Seafood based in Chichester, West Sussex, which is a family run business with its own fishing boat: Rapid Return.

So with all the ingredients delivered, our chef Richard Butler got to work on the recipe as follows:

Ingredients: For 2 People

  • 150g BCE hot smoked trout
  • 1 pack of brown & white crab meat 
  • 1 Box fresh pasta
  • 1 Pack of mixed vegetables, broccoli, sugar snaps & asparagus.
  • 50g salted butter

The Method

  1. Boil a large pan of salted water ready to cook the pasta.
  2. Take a large wok on a medium heating add the butter. Let it melt and add the vegetables stir.
  3. Add the crab meat keep on a gentle heat while the vegetables cook.
  4. Add the fresh pasta to your boiling water; cook no longer than 3 minutes
  5. Stir the vegetables and crabmeat – should be nicely cooked by now.
  6. Cut your smoked trout into two portions if desired.
  7. Drain the fresh pasta add to the vegetables and crabmeat and gently fold in.
  8. Place the smoked trout on top of the pasta and cover with a lid.
  9. Leave for five to ten minutes to gently warm through on a low heat.
  10. Once warmed through and the oils and smoked flavours have infused the pasta turn out and serve. 
  11. Garnish with a little watercress. Voila, add a little parmesan if you wish.

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