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a smoked trout bagel and a salad with tomatoes cuc

Smoked Trout Bagel Sandwich

National Bagel Day!

What better way to start off your week than with a healthy bagel sandwich made with wonderful smoked trout?

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Recipe by: www.bottleandbrushstudio.com



  • Slice in half and lightly toast the bagel(s) (unless fresh there is no need to toast it).
  • Spread a good layer of cream cheese on the bottom half.
  • Place some smoked fish fillet on the cream cheese to your taste (ensure no little bones are left).
  • Add some capers to your taste.
  • Sprinkle some chopped fresh herbs and top with the other bagel half.
  • Serve on its own or with a green salad on the side.

You can also top both halves with the ingredients and eat separately.

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